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Steve Jackson: Ogre Origins
The Next Great American Game
Interview with designer Steve Jackson at the Origins game fair. Discussions of Munchkin, Car Wars, Ogre and more
Up Next in The Next Great American Game
Antoine Bauza: The Wonder
Spiel Des Jahres winner Antoine Bauza discusses Rampage, aka Terror in Meeple City, Sinbad, 7 Wonders, and Samurai Spirit with unique prototype drawings and pictures. Talk with co-designers and illustrators. Also discussions with 'TableTop' producer Boyan Radakovich. Finally, watch Wil Wheaton pl...
Klaus Teuber: The Settler of Catan
Klaus Teuber discusses his mega hit Settlers of Catan
Reiner Knizia: Lord of the Ring
A wide ranging discussion touching on theme, mechanics and games including Samurai and Euphrates and Tigris